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Where My Series At?

I’ve had a few people asking lately about the next book in my various series, so in case anyone else is wondering too, here’s where I’m at with these: Renegade X: There are currently 5 novels and 3 novellas out and I have an outline and a title for book 6, but I haven’t started […]

So, I stumbled on this in my email…

I’ve been going through some old emails and found one from six years ago where a fan asked me about characterization and how to make their characters as cool as mine. It was a very short email with a simple-yet-daunting question, and I when I came across it in the present, I was like, “Whoa, […]

Honorbound is now in paperback!

I know it’s been a million years since this book came out, but at a reader’s request, I have made a paperback version. I know some people still read in paperback or hardcover, or just like to have them on the shelves, but paperback covers cost more than just ebook covers, and, like, 99% of […]

The Website Is Back Up!

You may or may not have noticed that my site has been down for a while, due to some technical difficulties that I didn’t realize were happening right away. I ended up losing everything from last year, which was probably just me saying, “Hey, the Bigfoot and Nessie books are out!” and posting some art, […]

New Read – Adventurer’s Academy

Adventurer’s Academy It’s no surprise when Serena, straight-A magic student, gets into her dream school, the Adventurer’s Academy. But getting placed in Remedial Sorcery? Total shock. Apparently it’s not enough to be good at magic–you have to be good at teamwork, too. But it’s not her fault people are so hard to get along with. […]