After reading only a measly 24 books so far this year–*ducks to avoid tomatoes*–I’m on a reading kick! Okay, it might be too soon to tell since my reading kick just started last night, but I want to just sit here and read all day, and that hasn’t happened in a long time. Reading has […]
My First List
I made a list of Egmont USA’s books on Amazon. It’s my first ever list I’ve made on there, and I’m particularly pleased with it because I need pretty much ALL the Egmont books on my wishlist, but Amazon doesn’t have a search by publisher feature. That means hunting for each book individually, and I […]
My cat makes loud noises
FINALLY caught on video, this is my cat Teisel making Teisel noises out my roommate’s window. Teisel talks A LOT and makes some weird loud noises–not that he’s ever not loud and not that he’s ever not weird–but he is notoriously quiet whenever the camera is on, or when visitors are over. He’s kind of […]
I almost forgot…
I saw an awesome preview at the movie theater last night. You know how sometimes you see, like, a split second of a movie trailer and just KNOW what kids’ book it’s based on, even though you didn’t know they were making a movie of it and haven’t thought about it in years? That’s happened […]
Mr. Umpkin
While I am being tres tres zen and calmly not climbing the walls or biting my nails or refreshing my inbox a million times as I wait for a very important e-mail, I thought I’d introduce you to my fall visitor, Ugly P. Umpkin: From Drop Box Ugly P. is a PWA–pumpkin with ATTITUDE! Look […]
Self-promotion made easy
Self-promo scheme #1: Acquire a giant pinata and fill it with copies of your book. Exchange your book-filled pinata for someone’s candy-filled pinata. When they beat the pinata to death at their party and/or gathering, copies of your book will come flying out! Everyone will gasp in amazement, since free books are better than free […]
Something cover-ish this way comes!
I heard a rumor (well, okay, my agent told me) that I’m going to get to see my COVER, hopefully by tomorrow but for sure by next week. OMG, I may die of excitement and/or OD on refreshing my inbox. (If you refresh your inbox more than 2,000 times a day, you will die. It […]
Wii Fit!
I’m so impressed with the Wii Fit. I just got it yesterday, used so I can take it back if I hate it (that’s right, I’m using someone else’s sweaty balance board!), but prospects for totally LOVING it are looking good. Even after only one workout last night, this morning I already felt way more […]
Back from Bumbershoot!
I have successfully returned from a weekend spent with our friends Jon and Matthew in Seattle. It was good times. I got to meet their Dachsund for the first time–I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it turns out Adeline’s a sweetie and I totally loved her. Even with her big plastic head cone to […]
Pretty Sure
I’m pretty sure my neighbor is a vampire. Not the drug dealing, overly “helpful” neighbor who says he has spy cameras pointed at our house, but the other one.   The one that’s always awake and never sleeps. I know because I’m awake to see him being awake and suspect him of vampirism. He sits at […]