Where My Series At?
I’ve had a few people asking lately about the next book in my various series, so in case anyone else is wondering too, here’s where I’m at with these:
Renegade X: There are currently 5 novels and 3 novellas out and I have an outline and a title for book 6, but I haven’t started it yet.
Dragonbound: There are two books out and while I don’t have any solid plans, I’ve been remembering recently how much I love this series and have been thinking about writing a third, probably to wrap everything up. (I hate when things end, but I can’t have all my series be indefinite forever… As much as I’d like to, it’s also too much stress.)
Demon in My Dorm Room: There’s currently only one book out, BUT there will be more! Book 2 is finished and I’m about 3/4 of the way through book 3. I’m planning on publishing them at the same time, so everybody can read them both at once and not be stuck waiting for years in between. Though I’m also planning on writing at least a fourth book, so there will probably still be a wait. But whatever! You didn’t see that part! You only saw the part about two books coming out – yay!
I wish I could give more concrete info, and I hate having delays and not being sure about whether or not there’ll be more of any particular series, but I’ve been dealing with chronic pain for more than a decade now, which not only just sucks at a basic surface level, but also zaps my creativity and makes writing really difficult. I’ve recently discovered–after many years of seeing various types of doctors who basically just shrugged (except for my current doctor, who’s awesome) and spending countless hours researching on my own–that the source of this might be entrapped nerves in my abdomen (specifically ACNES, anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome), though I’m still in the process of jumping through all the hoops to get properly diagnosed. So we’ll see, but it’s seeming more and more likely.
In the meantime, I’m doing better now than I was a few years ago, and I at least sometimes have pockets of creativity where I’ll be able to write consistently for a month or two before I have another flare up that completely derails everything again. Is this the best way to build a writing career, especially in self-publishing? Nope! But it’s what I’ve got.
So THANK YOU to everyone who continues to read these books and ask for more – it means the world to me, even if I don’t always have a good answer.