I heard a rumor (well, okay, my agent told me) that I’m going to get to see my COVER, hopefully by tomorrow but for sure by next week. OMG, I may die of excitement and/or OD on refreshing my inbox. (If you refresh your inbox more than 2,000 times a day, you will die. It is a FACT.) I hear my editor is really excited about the cover. I mean, hopefully they wouldn’t send it to me if they weren’t excited about it. But it still feels good to hear that they’re super psyched about everything.
Also I have some other unrelated book stuff I might hear about next week that is a bit more nervewracking, but in a good way. Unless the news is bad, and then not in a good way. Hence the nervewracking part. But it is probably secret news right now, so that’s all I’m gonna say.
In other news I think I’m going to see 9 today. Hopefully I’ll be able to concentrate on stuffing my face with popcorn and won’t be thinking about my inbox.