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Renegade X

Bigfoot and Nessie

Demon in My Dorm Room



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My friend Ben told me about the renegade x books last year. Ever since then, I reread them every month at least twice. He got the first book from his mom, then he got the second one, yet he got 2 could, one paperback and a signed hardcover, He gave me the bloody 2nd one free of charge. Can’t wait for the third one.

(Sorry for any spelling mistakes)

Oh yeah, I know Ben’s mom from school. :) And that’s so awesome that you’ve read and enjoyed my books so much! I can’t wait until book 3 is out and everyone can read it. Of course, I have to finish writing it first… *gets back to work*

I’m a huge fan of characters’ voices, and Damien is a winner. He’s snarky and funny but with an underlying vulnerability that makes him sympathetic. Can’t wait for the third book in the series.

Hey im a massive fan of the Renegade X series. I have been looking for a audiobook version of book 3 since i never get any time to really read books, but i havnt been able to buy one anywhere. Is there a audio version and if no will there be one?

Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying the books! There’s not currently an audiobook version of book 3, though I do plan for there to be one in the future. I can’t say exactly when that will be, since producing audiobooks is pretty expensive (so, maybe when book 4 comes out).

I love your Renegade series very well-written! I’m aiming to publish one of my own books but I’m having a little bit of trouble with finding a cover artist. I was wondering how you found yours and how much they charged?

Thanks! I found my cover artist, Raul Allen, through the original publisher of the first Renegade X book, since he’d done the cover for them. So he was already found, but there are lots of places online to look for potential cover artists. Illustrated covers like for Renegade X usually cost more than photo-manipulated covers, though they both vary depending on the artist. (I don’t want to say publicly how much the covers were, though I will say I couldn’t have afforded them without the kickstarters.) You can search online for cover artists. DeviantArt can also a good place to look for artists who do commissions.

I have plans for more books, but currently I’m working on the next Renegade X book, so I can’t say for sure when I’ll get to it. But I definitely want to write more about Virginia and Amelrik! :D

will there ever be a growing up dead 2 it was my first book from you and my tied favorite with renegade X so it would be nice to see

I don’t have any plans to continue Growing Up Dead, but I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed it! I think it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever written, and it still cracks me up even though so much time has passed.


I don’t have a set number of books planned, so all I can say right now is that there will be more of them. I try to have one out every year, but so far it’s been more like two years between each book. Hope that helps!


Hey I’m big fan of your series, I mean really big fan, you writing is absolutely amazing and quick-witted. I just want to ask if you had an idea about around what time you next Renegade X will come out?

Thank you! That means a lot! ^__^

As for your question, it’s really hard to say. 2018 was kind of a dud year for me, but 2019’s looking a lot better, so who knows? Either way, book 5 won’t be right away, but it is in the pipeline.

Glad to hear it! :D My plans for Renegade X are kind of up in the air right now, as I’m working on another series, but I think there will be more at some point–I just can’t say when at the moment.

Yo I just finished the series today. LOVED IT SO MUCH. My mom’s Facebook group recommended it for me. Book 5 was definitely my favorite ! Do you know the word count for book 5? My favorite character is definitely Damien.

Aw, THANK YOU!!! And of course I know the word count – I know ALL the word counts, but nobody ever asks about that kind of stuff, so it makes it feel like some piece of trivia that’s suddenly become important! Hence the longer answer than necessary I’m about to give, lol.

Book 5 is 88k. It’s the second shortest in the series (not counting the novellas, of course), with book 1 being the shortest at 85k. Books 2 and 3 are each 120k in comparison, and book 4 is 117k. The novellas are all 17 – 20k.

Any updates on Demon in My Dorm Room? No pressure – I know you’re going through some life changes and such. I just really loved the story and the description on GoodReads is really intriguing.

Which Renegade Xs are available on Kindle? Probably the funniest superhero series out right now by the way, and I’ve read all of them. It’s awesome

Will there be a 6th book for Renegade X? I only ask because I’m already in book 4 and it’s still only the first year at Herosworth. It’s one of my favorite series and I would love to see more of it.

I love your writing so so much! I’m currently re-reading the Renegade X series and wow. It’s honestly one of my favorite series!

Hello! I love your Renegade X series, so I was wondering if you had any plans to write any more? I’m really missing that world! It’s been a few years since the last book, but I keep coming back to make sure I haven’t missed a release.

Thank you! ^___^ I have plans for more (book 6 has an outline! and a title!), but I have some health issues that have been getting in the way of writing, mainly chronic (possibly nerve-related) pain. It’s been getting in the way for a loooong time, if I’m honest, but I reached a point where I couldn’t push through it anymore and had to admit at least temporary defeat. But I’m hoping to get back to all of my series at some point, hopefully sooner than later!

Yes! Book 2 is done and I’m about 3/4 of the way through book 3. I’m holding off on publishing book 2 until book 3 is done as well so everybody can enjoy them all at once instead of having another cliffhanger and having to wait. And I’m hoping to write a 4th book after that, too!

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