If you’re looking for my posts on writing, you’ve come to the right place! I’ve sifted through my badly categorized posts and amassed a list of the ones that may be helpful to aspiring writers.
Everything I know about characterization
Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing
The Most Important Career – an Email to a Friend
Can You Resubmit a Significantly Revised Manuscript?
What Makes a Good Query Letter?
Plot, Dialogue, and Description – Oh My!
The Secret to Success, as Demonstrated by My Cats
There Isn’t Just One “The One”
Revisions – in which I Break Down the Process and Reveal the Mysteries
Is there an audiobook for renegade x 3?
Not yet, but there will be! I won’t have the funds to do it until after book 4 comes out, but I do plan to do audiobook versions for all the books in the series.